Contact us
Get in touch with us
If you would like to provide feedback or contact BINGO Industries you can send a message through the form below. Alternatively, you can give us a call on 1300 424 646 .
Got waste? GO to your nearest recycling centre
With 13 conveniently located recycling centres in New South Wales and Victoria, BINGO is your local recycling centre. All of our recycling centres have minimal waiting time, competitive rates, discounts for pre-sorted loads and all-weather access. Our centres accept all sorts of renovation, gardening, brick and concrete waste - find out what can go in a skip bin. We just can’t accept asbestos, food or liquid waste. Find your nearest centre today.
Select a recycling centre for more details
Environmental Report Hotline
If you would like to provide feedback or make a complaint on any environmental matters you believe may be associated with one of our facilities, please make a request through the feedback tab above and select Feedback or Complaint as the nature of the request. Alternatively, you may call 1300 032 747.
Media Enquiries
For media related enquires please call 1300 424 646