Health and safety
Ensuring the health and safety of our people and our communities
Central to our sustainability framework is a commitment to ensure the safety and well-being of those who come into contact with our business. This means we work to protect environmental and human health for not only our employees but also for those who live in the communities in which we operate. The health and safety of our team of GOgetters, our customers and the communities in which we work, is our number one priority. We strive for an incident free, zero harm workplace and to maintain operations that do not negatively impact human health and well-being.
Our key health & safety achievements

SEQ lead indicator metrics
We continue to encourage site visits by members of the leadership. These include a weekly scheduled visit to sites, adhoc visits when travelling and the recently established BINGO Buddies programme where enabling (i.e. non-operational) leaders team have been assigned to a site to undertake critical control verifications, hazard hunts, SEQ conversations, attend toolbox meeting attendance, ridealongs and/or participate in site BBQs.
Driver coaching and training
Protecting vulnerable road users
An automated reversing braking system that detects pedestrians is being introduced as a standard fit out on BINGO’s commercial trucks. This sensor detects pedestrians and automatically engages the maxi brakes.
Zero Harm governance
Site safety forums
Our Zero Harm approach and materiality
Our approach to Zero Harm management incorporates a strategy of robust governance supported by board oversight, a strong policy framework led by executive leadership and an engagement and risk management program empowering our GOgetters to maintain safe practices which includes our control focused approach. All of this is underpinned by our non-negotiable and fundamental Zero Harm Rules. Zero Harm has been identified as one of BINGO’s key materiality issues and remains a key focus for our business activities, reporting and strategy.
Zero Harm governance
Our Zero Harm Board committee has an overarching responsibility to ensure that this commitment to Zero Harm for both our people and our environment remains our Company’s number one priority. The Zero Harm committee achieves this through ensuring our Zero Harm function and program are adequately resourced and supported by effective policy.

ISO Certification
All BINGO operations and sites are ISO certified under our Environment, Safety and Quality management systems:
- ISO 45001:2018 OH&S Management Systems Requirements
- ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems Requirements
- ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems Requirements